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Why Is My AC Short-Cycling? Common Causes & Solutions

Posted on: June 25, 2024

Short-cycling happens when your air conditioner is turning on and off more often than it should. This indicates that your unit is shutting off before it should and restarting shortly after, meaning your AC isn’t going through complete cooling cycles. Short-cycling can happen for several reasons, but it can also lead to problems with your …

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Signs of a Freon Leak

Posted on: May 4, 2024

Freon is the commercial name for the refrigerant used in air conditioners. It’s a key component in ensuring that your cooling system is working and running smoothly. A leak in Freon can cause your system to stop working, and if you encounter it or inhale it, negatively affect the health of you and your family. …

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Should My HVAC Fan Be Running All the Time?

Posted on: April 4, 2024

Maintaining a comfortable home environment is crucial during San Marcos’ temperature extremes. While you most likely know that an efficient HVAC system, proper insulation, and a smart thermostat can help you stay comfortable inside, you might not be aware of a simple technique that can make a big difference: allowing your HVAC system’s fan to …

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What Is the Lifespan of a Residential Heat Pump?

Posted on: March 25, 2024

Heat pumps are gaining in popularity, leaving many homeowners with questions about these innovative HVAC systems. As both a heat source and an air conditioner, a heat pump offers an efficient alternative to traditional separate HVAC systems. Given their higher initial investment, you may be curious about their lifespan and long-term value. Understanding how long …

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What Are Common Signs of a Malfunctioning Furnace?

Posted on: December 14, 2023

Winter’s chill demands a reliable heating system to keep your home cozy and comfortable. But what happens when your furnace, the core of your home’s heating, starts to show signs of wear or even malfunction? Being vigilant about your furnace’s condition is essential for safety and comfort. Having been a trusted HVAC authority in the …

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Prep Your HVAC for Winter: Essential Tips To Ensure Warmth & Efficiency

Posted on: December 11, 2023

While Texas winters might not bring a snow-blanketed landscape, the drop in temperature is a clear sign to transition from cooling to heating. Before you cozy up with hot cocoa and start your holiday countdown, remember the cornerstone of your home’s warmth — your HVAC system. Beyond routine checkups, specific winter adjustments are key to …

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What Is Ductwork in an HVAC System?

Posted on: August 18, 2023

When we think about maintaining a pleasant temperature within our homes, our minds typically wander to the more visible aspects – the air conditioning unit, the thermostats, and the vents. However, there’s an equally essential, albeit less noticeable, component that’s integral to your comfort – the ductwork. So, what exactly is ductwork, and why does …

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What Is an AC Condenser?

Posted on: August 16, 2023

As the summer months blaze, our homes become an oasis of cool and comfort. But what creates this refuge from the scorching temperatures outdoors? It’s none other than a critical player in your home’s air conditioning system: the AC condenser. The AC Condenser: Heart of Your Home’s Cooling System Often perceived as the powerhouse of …

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What Are the Different Options for a Home AC System?

Posted on: August 11, 2023

Summers evoke images of radiant beach days, inviting backyard BBQs, and most importantly, the desire for a cool, comforting home environment. This is where your faithful air conditioner swoops in! But with an array of choices at your disposal, you might find yourself asking, “What are the diverse types of air conditioners for home use?” …

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What Are the Benefits of a Smart Thermostat?

Posted on: August 3, 2023

Smart Thermostats: Ushering in a New Era of Home Comfort and Energy Efficiency In today’s era of technological revolution, smart thermostats are steadily becoming an integral part of contemporary households. But what precisely lends them their “smartness,” and how do they benefit you and your family? Let’s delve into the world of smart thermostats and …

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