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Multi-Zone Air Conditioning Systems

Odds are, your home has multiple rooms—so why is it still being cooled like it only has one? Our modern homes need modern solutions! The newest development in heating and air conditioning technology is what’s called “multi-zone heating and cooling.” This innovative system makes your home smarter and more energy-efficient.

SM Air offers multi-zone AC system services for homes in and near San Marcos, TX. Since 1986, our technicians have served San Marcos and the surrounding areas with unparalleled customer service and efficiency. As our mission states: We strive for perfection and settle for excellence.

To discuss your multi-zone AC system or to get an estimate for installation, repair, or maintenance, contact SM Air at (512) 212-4777 today!

What Is a Multi-Zone Air Conditioning System?

A multi-zone AC system is exactly what it sounds like—it can cool multiple locations in your home to different temperatures at different times during the day. Usually there are thermostats placed throughout your home that read the individual temperature of each room. This is how the system is able to keep different zones warmer or colder than others. You can set a different temperature for any room, including:

  • Bathrooms
  • Bedrooms
  • Kids’ rooms
  • Living rooms
  • Kitchens
  • Basements
  • And more!

Benefits of Multi-Zone AC Systems in San Marcos, TX

Let’s say that you work from 9 to 5, Monday through Friday, but you also have a dog (Bingo was his name-o) who likes to spend his afternoons lounging around the living room. You can set your multi-zone cooling system to raise temperatures in your bedroom and bathroom but maintain the living room’s temperature. This way Bingo stays cool—and your energy bill drops significantly!

Maybe your moody teenager hates any temperature above 67° and will pitch a fit if they get “too hot.” Multi-zone air conditioning to the rescue! Let Ethan shiver through the night in peace and save yourself an argument (and more money).

Smart Air Conditioning for Your San Marcos Home

A multi-zone air conditioning system is a wonderful option for a larger home. Though it’s more of an investment than a standard HVAC system, it will have a huge impact on your energy bills over time (and it can raise the value of your home if you ever decide to sell!). Here at SM Air, we want to save you money!

To discuss the benefits of multi-zone AC systems for your San Marcos home, contact SM Air online or call us at (512) 212-4777 and get started immediately!